Wanda Merical, DHH - Business Bio
What's Important Today -- May NOT be Important Tomorrow! This holds true in Businesses Everywhere!!
Wanda Merical, DHH - Business Bio:
- 2018-2019: Pine Mountain Property Owners Association, Inc. Board of Director's President
- Effective August 22, 2018: NC, Dept Secretary of State, Notary Public (good 5-years)
- Since 1993 - Helping Organizations, Agencies, Non-Profits and Small Businesses create their Vision Statements, Mission Statements, Goals & Objectives along with Strategic Plans and online Marketing.
- Over 30 years experience creating & writing Directives, Operating Instructions, Handbooks, Employee Handbooks, Lesson Plans, Scripts, Business Plans, Strategic Plans and Marketing Plans
- Taught Agencies: Business Management, Computers, Office Management and Customer Service
- Implemented company's Visions, Mission Statements, Goals & Measurable Objectives and Self Assessments
- Research, review, create and write award winning grants up to $1.7M
- Created the 1st of it's kind resource data-base for Cumberland County, NC of all services available to homeless and low-income individuals and families
- Set-Up from ground zero the Volunteer Resource Program Manager position at Pope Air Force Base, NC (including Operating Instructions, Training Programs, Interview Processing and over 146 new volunteer positions base-wide)
- Assisted 2 Organizations reorganize and restructure to fit into new office spaces
The Hard Facts:
When it's time to move forward - to face the music, as some would say -- it's hard to really look in the mirror and see yourself and/or your company from the outside in. What's even worse is hearing someone tell you something you don't want to hear, even if you know deep down it's the truth.
Too often we want people to tell us something we "want" to hear to make us feel good for the moment, but that moment doesn't last long. You can only hide the truth for so long before it comes out --
Face the Cold Hard Facts of where your company is, where you want it to go -- then do the right thing and make it happen.
Therefore, if you're reading this -- then you need someone who will tell you the Truth, as it is -- with very little sugar on top, so you can be where you want to be, when you want to be there.
- The International Metaphysical Ministry - University of Metaphysics - in progress
- Continued Education with Centre of Excellence, England, 2020
- Master Herbalist
- Advanced Master Herbalisst
- Magical Herbalism
- Crystal Healing
- Aromatherapy
- Metaphysics Foundation
- Channeling
- Reiki Master/Shinpiden, 2019
- Metaphysics for Life, Study, Certificate of Completion, 2017
- Institute of Interfaith & Holistic Theology, Metaphysics, 2016 (in progress)
- Spencer Institute, Certified: Small Business Coach, 2012
- Spencer Institute, Certified: Holistic Health Coach, 2012
- Clayton College of Natural Health, DHH - High Honors, 2007
- UNC-P, BSW - Cum Laude, 2001
Dr. Wanda:
(Owner/President): Wanda Merical, DHH There's no time like
the present to make a decision to decide what you want out of life.
Set your goals, by placing them on a piece of paper and looking at
them once a week, if not each day. Get the most out of life by
living it!!
Strategic Business Sense: Moving your business forward; not only for yourself but for your customers
... Improve Customer Service, Make More Money, Technical Writing, Business Plans, Grant Writing, Organization ...